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David Yallup

David Yallup

Research Associate at the University of Cambridge


I am a research associate based at the Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge. I additionally consult as a Data Scientist for PolyChord Ltd.. I am an early career researcher aiming to bring together a mix of interests in Machine Learning and precision fundamental science. Previously I completed a PhD at University College London, where I worked at CERN on the ATLAS experiment. Currently I am a member of Will Handley’s research group

Current specific topics of interest:

  • Cosmology, accelerated likelihoods for Gravitational Wave Physics and CMB physics.
  • Simulation Based inference, interfacing generative AI with scientific inference problems.
  • MCMC methods, particularly with a view to building scalable GPU inference tools.

I am happy to discuss any of these topics, and open to contact for collaboration.